Sunday, August 7, 2011

DIY Slider Mods

After some test and reconfigurations of the DIY slider, I've come up with a better working unit. The first problem that I faced was a significant metal-on-metal squeak in all of my shots due to the angle of the bearings. I redrilled the holes so that bearings now roll with one on the top of the track and one on the inside of the track, rather than the previous straddling V formation. However that didn't minimize the noise so I ended up making new track out of PVC.I upped it to 1" pipe for more rigidity and it seemed to work well. Now I've got a fully collapsible rig (that shouldn't collapse). Hopefully in the not-too-distant future, I can build a nice wheeled metal based rig. For now, this should work fine. 

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