Friday, August 26, 2011

Bike Restoration

We'll be starting a new project composed of interviews and hands on demonstration of how to restore and recondition an old ten speed bicycle. The chosen bike is a Prince Racer model from the 1970's ten speed boom, this particular one was rescued from a dumpster. It's an ideal bike to restore because it was more dusty than rusty (which is rare). After doing some research, it was discovered that this model was sold around the midwest in higher end department stores, retailing around $100. It's got good components and will look really nice cleaned up.

I've ordered, new tires, tubes, cables, wrap, and picked out some new paint. The tentative plan is turn it into a Steve Zissou/Life Aquatic themed bike. Stay tuned for updates.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Audio Gear Coming In

We've ordered some new gear for The Shelter speaking segments. A new Audio-Technica lav mic will be joining the ranks as well as some new Sennheiser over-ear headphones for monitoring. The lav had great reviews from Emm at We use the Sennheiser HD 201 headphones at the Tarble Arts Center for the Ipod mobile tours. They sound pretty full, have a long cord, are comfortable, and are pretty durable. Overall, I thought it'd be a good investment for souping up recording with the Zoom H1.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Shelter

In the weeks ahead we'll be launching a new web series called The Shelter. This new program will be dedicated to providing short video devotions to aid in your walk with Christ. If you have a topic that you'd like us to explore or come across a passage you find interesting, let us know and we'll do our best to incorporate into an upcoming episode.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Opening Music Track

I was running over the opening sequence of our yet to be named zombie film and decided it'd be awesome to get a blues sounding guitar whining along with the actors' walk sequence. Guitar in hand, I tried to compose a basic instrumental blues beat that didn't sound like a total rip-off of guitarists much better than myself. It soon became clear that it would be an uphill battle.

Last night as I was hanging out with my youth group in a local coffeehouse, Calico Jack a local blues/folk rock artist from the band Fair Clara was performing. He's got a unique, gutsy blues tone and his opening song would be perfect to intro our upcoming film. So I waited around until the set was over, introduced myself, bought a CD, talked to him about using his stuff and BOOM, opening track fah yer film, right dare.

He's got some good stuff, I'd recommend checking it out here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zombie Makeup Test

This week we've been working on getting some makeup layouts together to test out the liquid latex. I ashamedly admit that I've spent more time in the makeup aisle this past week than I care to think about. Hopefully it will look convincing. The latex, tissue, and Mehron bruise wheel gives a nice rotting, wrinkly look. This photo is a simple thrown together mockup that took about ten minutes to finish. Once we add our batch of fake blood, we'll be looking pretty ghoulish.

"Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.' "
-Rodney Dangerfield

Sunday, August 7, 2011

DIY Slider Mods

After some test and reconfigurations of the DIY slider, I've come up with a better working unit. The first problem that I faced was a significant metal-on-metal squeak in all of my shots due to the angle of the bearings. I redrilled the holes so that bearings now roll with one on the top of the track and one on the inside of the track, rather than the previous straddling V formation. However that didn't minimize the noise so I ended up making new track out of PVC.I upped it to 1" pipe for more rigidity and it seemed to work well. Now I've got a fully collapsible rig (that shouldn't collapse). Hopefully in the not-too-distant future, I can build a nice wheeled metal based rig. For now, this should work fine. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Veni, Vedi, Vici

It was a great night on the red carpet. The 21 Film Project put on a great event during the Decatur Celebration this year. The kids loved the costumed characters from pop stars to Star Wars.

The competition was pretty stiff. Bellifax was nominated for nearly every category, Best Acting, Best Screenplay, and Best Direction. Out of these, we snagged best direction but the real surprise came when we also got the Best Picture award and the $1500 grand prize. A grand day for the Bellifax crew.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Red Carpet at the Avon Theater

We're off to the Avon theater today. Our short mockumentary, Bellifax: The Not-So-Standard Oil Company will be screened along with nineteen other short films from the area during the 2011 Decatur Celebration. It's the Land of Lincoln Credit Union's 4th Annual Film Festival and we're excited to see how we place.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Test Intro

I found a great tutorial by Andrew Kramer that outlines how to do realistic reflective animations. I put together this basic template from that video and plan to tweak it into a really cool intro for my projects. I tried to incorporate the same Blind Simon color scheme, but unfortunately the Rockwell typeface wasn't available on the system I was working on.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Preproduction Update

This week marks the beginning of preproduction for our zombie film. Our latex and makeup came in the mail yesterday so we'll begin costuming soon. We've also scouted several shooting locations and gotten approval to use the Lincoln Bookstore for one of our vital scenes. (Thanks again Wendy!) 

We've still got several props to acquire and have a few logistics to work out, but everything is moving along on time. Shooting should begin next week.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Last night Will, Dustin, Andy, and I finished the final edits to Bellifax: The Not-So-Standard Oil Company.

This was the first summer piece we began working on. It's a short mockumentary, based on alternative fuels. Hope you enjoy!